Amy Thatcher

I Hate My Job at the Public Library 

I may as well be a sonic ream of NO RUNNING IN THE LIBRARY wallpaper. 

I dream of throwing a fit, fucking the place up. So much of this job is shit, sweetened 

by my higher-self smile—teeth bleached for a world-wide welcome: Give me your tempest-

tantrums and public masturbation. Your bedbugs and broken laptops, your bowel movements 

and teenage prison prodigies. I’d rather work with an ax, bludgeon the bookbags off 

the after-school kids, splattering their it-doesn’t-matter math.


Like physics, I could go on indefinitely. 

At home, my bills thank me for being a good mother. 


I wonder if I’ll live long enough to pay off the house, 

still young and plump with fixed interest. 


I drink and smoke because why not, you only have

one life, and I’m glad mine isn't in Texas. 


It’s easy to be grateful when you compare misery. 


The way I see it, the grass isn’t 

always greener, sometimes it’s quicksand, 


and only a storytime full of screaming

toddlers can save you. 


Driving to work, I cried across three zip-codes 

thinking of what my mother would say, 


chopping the air with a veiny hand: 

Be glad you have a job. She had two, 


and barely a pot to piss in, 

something I’ll never forget, 


having to flush with a bucket 

from the tub. At the end of the day 


is the end of the day, cracking 

the fuck up.


Samson and Delilah

 Death’s a slick bitch, 

throws a punch then watches, 

with studied nonchalance, 

an old woman whirl 


like a mechanical ballerina, 

before splitting her head 

over a manhole cover. 

Death lives with a wrongness 


any psychic can see 

coming a mile away.

Her palms have grown 

lines long enough for two lives: 


The one drinking a gayly named 

20 dollar cocktail called 

Hornswoggled Strongman

and the one with corseted 


lungs and a weak constitution.

Death’s hoping for a comeback,

to throw on the 10,000-mile 

bridal train that swept 


through Europe on the backs 

of rats. To outmatch love 

like Hedy Lamar 

in Samson and Delilah, when 


Samson lays waste to the pagan temple. 

Death doesn’t play around 

with her dualities. 

She is, herself, another.


Poem in Which Burt Reynolds Takes Me to Chemotherapy 


Burt Reynolds is blonde 

and I am hairless.


Burt doesn’t read much, but that’s OK. 

I like my men dumb, my world flat. 


Who needs a scenic incline 

when you’ve got someone reliable 


stroking your shoulder for four hours 

in an infusion room? I’m still waiting 


to kick cancer’s ass, wrestle its wrist

to the table, pitiful 


as a mispronunciation. Burt says 

things could be worse—


Jesus could have been a teen 

with oppositional defiant disorder, 


sulking behind a slammed door. 

Moses could have tripped and burned 


in the bush. The Red Sea could have 

collapsed, sending the staff of my IV 


reeling past the elevators, 

through the drowsy nurses’ station. 


So much pink! You’d think 

breast cancer was the guest of dishonor 


at a gender reveal party—

a real bonny lass.

Amy Thatcher is a native Philadelphian where she works as a public librarian. Her poems have appeared in Guesthouse, Bear Review, Rhino, Rust+Moth, SWWIM, Crab Creek Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, South Florida Poetry Review, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Shore, The Journal, Denver Quarterly and are forthcoming in Cherry Tree and Harbor Review.


Mike Zimmerman


Maya Ribault