Rhiannon Briggs

Postcard with Still Life


So there I was at the red light waiting

to turn left on a hometown street, looking through

shop windows and suppressing from conscious thought

each wish for the glass to cave in whenever

I’m not around. My left hand blocking the sun

and my right scribbling something of you

in the margins of my to-do list. And only

halfway through, the light turned! Yes,

you were on my mind that afternoon,

and curling against your chest, and radio static,

the lowing of a nearby storm.


I paused for a moment,

you know, before I lifted

my foot from the brake.

How Close We Got to Fire (Stata Mater Prayer)

My brother once left a gas burner on in an empty

house for the better half of a day, and on another occasion

my uncle did the same for a weekend. I desperately suffocate

a lost spark in dry grass.

Rhiannon Briggs brings their typewriter along with them to national parks, public libraries, friends’ couches, and, of course, coffee shops throughout the American West in a 2013 Subaru Outback with backpacking gear covering the backseat and a mattress, purple quilt, and beat-up copy of Swann’s Way in the trunk. They are the recipient of a Canterbury Fellowship, a winner of the Shipsey Prize, and a Best of the Net and Best New Poets nominee. You can find their work at rhiannonbriggs.com.


Tyler Lemley


Natalie Nims