Christina Ruotolo

Holding on to letting go

The buzz

cold against

your tender skull

salt and pepper



the last time roots

will know a home




silently to the floor

you scoop a handful

in your tired palms

seal the bundle

in a plastic sandwich bag

            fast forward

ten years after cancer

            ravaged you

the bags remains




in a safe deposit box

held hostage by me

            I pray

the smell of you

remains inside


I’ll set your strands


and one day

your scent

the heart of you

will bring me back to life.



The mind never forgets…

infant blood poisoned

with a mother’s addiction

smell of 80s hairspray

half-empty Dr. Pepper bottles

fifth of vodka nestled

under her pillow

a forensic, glazed stare

anything but motherly

strawberry blond hairs

on the back of a couch

she’s passed out on

as your feel the lighter

between three year-old fingers

the spark, Matchbox car

flaming down the plastic track

carpet burning, then smoke

you creep out the back door

afraid to wake her

addiction shouldering

the night you slept in

the backseat of a car

in an alley after a drug deal

windows steamed up

tracing circles on the glass

the loaded shotgun

pointed at your chest

as you try to save her

from another man’s wrath

the trip to the mall at fifteen

an argument over a gold chain

you learned to drive on I-95

addiction passed out behind you

the mind never forgets

images, baggage, smells

building, growing wild

until one day you

take your first sip too

triggers washed away

seeds planted

watered as you welcome

addiction home.

Christina Ruotolo is a poet, creative writing instructor and editor of Her Magazine. She was shortlisted for the 2019 James Applewhite Poetry award, runner-up for the Heart of the Pamlico Poet Laureate in 2021 and a long list finalist for the 2023 Fish International Poetry Award. She is author of the poetry collection, The Butterfly Net and the nonfiction book, The Day the Earth Moved Haiti. Her poetry and nonfiction have appeared in Wednesday Night Poetry, Petigru Review, NC Bards Poetry Journal, Gyroscope Review, Heron Clan, and various other magazines and journals.


D Larissa Peters


Joan Mazza