David Sheskin

Oh Yes, There Were Casualties

Perusing the morning paper I come upon the fact that as

Miss Patty Perkins read a story to her Second Grade Class

From the quaint little book Master Peter Potter had brought to school

A Ferocious Fire Breathing Dragon suddenly leaped out of Page 4

Admittedly Chaos ensued for some time

Before the Blazing Beast was Humanely Subdued

By two fine Officers of the Law

Oh Yes, there were Casualties

Miss Perkins sustained Second Degree Burns

Principal Danny Dotts lost the tip of his Once Fine Nose

And a Nurse Becky Bortwine is still mourning the loss of her Pinky Finger

As for the Children

They all have Nightmares

The Dastardly Dragon has been transported to a place called Animal Land

 A Sanctuary of Sorts

Where it shares Food and Air with a menagerie of assorted Irascible Four-Legged Misfits

A Nasty Hippopotamus, a Sadistic Rhinoceros, a Vulgar Skunk, a Choleric Porcupine

To name a few

Rumor has it that in the not too distant future

Miss Perkins will take her little charges to visit

The poor Beast and his New Coterie of Friends

Because she is of the opinion that a Person

Even one who is Little and Brittle

 Should make Peace with

Those Afflictions and Challenges

Life sees fit to Impose upon us

Psychiatric Parable

It was once believed

The Only Way

To cure Madness

Was to Harness a Poor Soul

With arms outstretched

In a Standing Position

Firmly Bound

To a Wooden Cross

For a full a day and a half

During which time

At alternate hours

One would be assaulted


Boiling Water


Assorted Vermin

History has recorded that if by chance

A Body had the Good Fortune

To Survive such an


No longer would the Patient


Delirious Outbursts

And once lowered to the ground

Upon awakening from a

Long and Peaceful Sleep

One would be a

Model of Restraint

And from that Point on be

An Ardent Disciple of

Cure by Crucifixion

David Sheskin is a writer and artist whose work has appeared in numerous magazines over the years. Most recently he has appeared in Superstition Review, The Dalhousie Review, Quarterly West and Chicago Quarterly Review.  His most recent books are David Sheskin’s Cabinet of Curiosities and Outrageous Wedding Announcements.


Mark J. Mitchell


Tom Barwell