Ann Graham


Gambling on a Tuesday morning // parking lot full // gives people a rush // I, we need a jump start // Cynthia’s been on my back // keeps saying Knowlton we should do this // Knowlton we should do that // Knowlton, Knowlton, have sex go to a party go to a movie // work every damn day // what am I doing at the casino // last thing we need is money trouble // I should confess to Cynthia // wish I could leave //

Hey that’s Knowlton —  haven’t seen Knowlton or Cynthia in a while — can’t believe she married herself a greenhorn — have to say he’s done pretty good — I should give up these cigs — let in some air — I didn’t know he gambled — he’s always so righteous — so busy doin’ one thing or ‘nother — he’s got new fencin’ — new barn on their ranch out there —  a 2020 Ram — a beaut of a truck —

I should go to work // if I shake things up maybe Cynthia’ll be happy // can’t believe I actually fucked Iris // what was I thinking // can’t shake this sense of doom // damn damn // I hope to hell she never finds out about Iris // Cynthia’s not one to mess with // Iris always acting hot for tips // then she whispers it’s me she wants // now I’m sitting in the parking lot of a casino instead of going to work // a woman I don’t give a damn about has something over me //

I’m not goin’ in yet — don’t feel like chattin’ with Knowlton — he hasn’t spotted me — well I’ll be a sumbitch Knowlton is still sittin’ there in his truck — sumthin’s up —

I might as well go on in // aw damn text from Cynthia // wants to know where I am // shit // busybody // if  I say running errands she’ll ask what errands // can’t say I’m at the casino // she knows I don’t believe in gambling // I sure wish I hadn’t messed with Iris // stupid stupid // I cried in front of her // I hate myself for breaking down // won’t hurt to go in // I’ll stop at a hundred bucks // sad looking saps in here // who, who // taps me on the shoulder // geez // Iris //  

I’m gonna call wifey — hey lovey how’s yer mornin’ goin’— I’m at the casino — haven’t gone in yet — feelin’ lucky — you know who’s here — come on guess just guess — Knowlton — yeah that Knowlton — how many you know — you might give Cynthia a ring see what's up — yeah I’m nosey — he’s just sittin’ there in his truck, kinda slumped over — yeah me too sittin’ here — don’t look right — don’t look right — he’s finally goin’ in — wait a sec — he’s comin’ back out —  you won’t guess who he’s comin’ out with — come on guess you never wanna guess — no — no — Iris — yeah that Iris — shit they gittin’ into his truck —

Born in Kansas, Ann Graham (she, her) is a retired Visual Resources Curator. She attended the Community of Writers workshop. Publications include: Texas Observer, Press Pause Press, October Hill Magazine, Grey Sparrow Journal, Digging Through the Fat, The Oddville Press, Panther City Review, and Writer’s Garret. She comments on some short stories at


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